Carbondioxide Fire Extinguishing System
SFFECO Carbondioxide system extinguishes fire by reducing the oxygen content of the protected space and or local flame front to a point where it will not support combustion.
Oxygen reduction below 16% by volume will extinguish most fires.
SFFECO Standard High pressure carbon dioxide extinguishing system units, having nominal charging capacities of 2.0, 4.5, 6.6, 9, 22.5, 45, 53, 66, 80 and 100 kg (4.4, 10, 13, 20, 50, 100, 117, 147, 176 and 220 lbs) of Carbon Dioxide. The units have an operating pressure of 58 bar (850 psi) at 21°C 70°F) with operating temperatures of -18°C to 54.4°C (0°F to 130°F).